
Featured Event
The BoxtreeParkFriends’ QUIZ NIGHT with Cameron

We invite you to our very popular Quiz Night! Come with or without a team, you’ll be very welcome!

There will be a raffle plus games & spot prizes! 

Tea, coffee & cakes are included in the ticket price of £5 pp.  Please feel free to bring your own refreshments and wine, etc. 

Contact: 07787 502 146 to book your table/place.  

Venue: Guide HQ Maricas Avenue Harrow Weald HA3 6JA. 

Hope you can join in!  All welcome! 

Saturday 29 March 2025 19:00

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boxtree park friends

We are the BoxtreeParkFriends. We are based in Harrow Weald Recreation Ground, the lovely park facing the High Road. 


We are a group of local residents, all volunteers. Our aim is to improve our park and the surrounding area, to make new friends and to enjoy leisure time in a lovely green open space.

We do this by working together - gardening, planting bulbs, shrubs and trees, carrying out small repair jobs, litter picking, emptying the bins, locking the gates, and running lots of community events. The work that our members do in the park has made it a cleaner, safer place.

boxtree park friends

Our annual programme of events (in and around the park) include film shows, live music (bands), craft club, book club, bingo, stargazing, bat walks, barn dancing, murder mystery nights, and regular supper quizzes. These are just a few examples of our varied programme. Most of our events are free or we charge a very small ticket price just to offset our costs. We have a Wednesday health walk and tai chi session and we work with a network of local community groups to support their events. Other annual events include our Easter Egg Hunt, Fun Dog Show, Christmas Carols in the park and the Remembrance Sunday wreath-laying at our park’s War Memorial.

boxtree park friends

We attend local police consultative meetings and we are a member of the Harrow Parks Forum. We have quarterly group meetings which are open to the public and all are welcome. Our AGM is in January each year. All of these things are advertised on this website, our Facebook page (BoxtreeParkFriends), on posters and banners in and around the park and via our mailing list.

We have many ongoing projects, such as London In Bloom (we won Gold in 2021 & “Thriving” in 2024 for our community orchard) and the “I Dig Trees” scheme, where we asked people to take saplings and grow them on for 18 months so that we could plant more robust trees in our park. We had an amazing response and distributed 950 saplings in Harrow and surrounding boroughs!  Each autumn we collect surplus apples from local people and we turn them into the lovely BoxtreeParkFriends’ pure apple juice.  ALL the money we raise from the sale of our juice goes directly towards our events and projects in the park.

boxtree park friends

We work with local guides, brownies and beaver groups who join us for litter picking sessions and with Harrow Connex.

Local people and businesses support our work by donating raffle prizes and funds to help us carry out our work and we liaise closely with the local authority to ensure that our park is well maintained and as good as it can be.

We'd love you to join our community; head over to our Contact page for all the details to stay in touch and we look forward to seeing you soon.

All Welcome! Make our Park a Better Place!